The Hunt
This is the title of my first book. It is about renouncing to gender bounds, it is about taking responsibility for oneself and for mankind.
Think globally, act personally, wait for global reaction.

Two sisters learn about the other's existence only when they are 28 and 35. Two women, two perspectives. Charismatic Cora wants to get pregnant by J who is a famous hacker without getting permanently involved with him. Her engagement attracts the attention of Alpha Gyne, a secret society, that is always in search of good genetic combinations. Cora denies them their influence and runs away to J's mother who herself had her share of experience with Alpha Gyne because of her highly intelligent son.
Clara, the older sister, makes some enquiries about the background of the affair. By doing this she changes herself, becomes a strong woman, gets self confident, but finds out about the real philosophy of Alpha Gyne.
The background of the story is the present history of technology, Web 2.0, the newest developments in social and political networking in the internet. The world changes before our eyes, so humanity can't remain the same anymore.

The older sister is conservative by attitude, morality and even her life is in a classical constellation: she is married, has two kids, she is a teacher. All is how it has to be, she is content with that. Really? But maybe it is not what she really wants and she only needs a trigger to discover her real self?

The younger sister is a bitch, an erratic creature, does always what she wants. Really? What if she is the biggest strategic talent since Lord Nelson and she takes more responsibility than Mother Theresa?

Alpha Gyne
It is a secret society of women, who want to be strong and autonom and who want this for all women. And for all mankind. Their methods are maybe not very moral, who wants to decide about it? Read the Manifest for yourself!


The Hunt